Fig. Consensus tree of the dog family based on
isozyme genetic distance (Wayne and O' Brien 1987).This consensus
is based on the topologies of UPGMA and distance -Wagner trees calculated
by the BIOSYS-1 program of Swofford and Selander.The "strict
method" algorithm (Rolph 1982 ) contained in the PAUP program,
version 2,4 by D.L.Swofford was used to generate the consensus tree.Time
scale equivalence was determined by assuming that Canid davisii was
the common ancestor of the wolflike canids and the South American
canids ( Berta 1984).Since this extinct species appeared approximately
7 M.Y.B.P., 0.1 genetic distance unit = 2.5 million years. Scientific
names are given in the text.
Robert K. Waine et. a |